Tuition Assistance Application

Tuition Assistance Application

Please contact us by email for a tuition assistance application.

Tuition Assistance Policy




The Social Security Administration Wilkes-Barre Child Development Center Board of Directors (the Board) of the East Mountain Child Care Center (the Center) has established a Need-Based Tuition Assistance Program (Program). The goal of the Program is to make quality child care services affordable for all families and to provide financial assistance to families with documented need.


    1. Financial need will be determined based on the review criteria stated in Section V subsection E. We will consider the income and expenses of both parents/guardians when a child lives with both parents/guardians; or when both parents/guardians have joint custody of the child. We will consider the income and expenses of a single parent/guardian when only one parent has legal custody of the child.

    2. The Board will strive to assist as many families as possible, given the total resources available. The Social Security Administration (SSA) may allocate resources (i.e. recycling funds) for the Program, but these resources may only be used as agreed upon between the Board and SSA.

    3. To be eligible to apply for the program, you must have a child currently enrolled or be in the process of enrolling in the Center and your tuition must be paid up-to-date.

    4. The Board recognizes the following monies can be used for the following purposes:

      1. Any Recycling funds or other money provided by SSA can only be used to assist families of SSA employees and must be accounted for accordingly.

      2. Any money raised from fundraising on federal property can only be used to assist families of federal employees and must be accounted for accordingly.

      3. Any money raised from fundraising off federal property may be used to assist all Center families and must be accounted for accordingly.


    1. The Program consists of a six month period. The first six month period will begin on January 1 and end June 30. The second six month period will begin on July 1 and end December 31.

    2. All Program awards will be in the form of tuition reduction. The recipient will receive the tuition reduction on the first full week of each month. The Board will pay these funds directly to the provider.

    3. Application enrollment fees, late pick up charges, and other miscellaneous fees are not included in the Program.


    1. An applicant for the Program must submit the following information:

      1. A completed application signed by the applicant/guardian. A signature certifies that all information is complete, correct, and true to the best of the applicant/guardian’s knowledge.

      2. Copies of pay statements/stubs for the last two pay periods for each income earner that contributes to the household’s expenses.

      3. A copy of the most recently filed federal income tax return(s) for each income earner that contributes to the household’s expenses.

    2. The completed application, along with supporting documentation, may be submitted to any serving board member or sent via email to Please do not turn in any applications or supporting documents to the Center.

    3. The timeframe for submitting applications for each six month period will be April 1 - May 1 or October 1 - November 1. Applications can be considered outside of the normal submission period on a case-by-case basis for emergency needs.

    4. Any personal information not specifically asked for in the application, such as Social Security numbers, may be redacted from any documents.


    1. The Tuition Assistance Committee (Committee) is appointed by the Board to consider applications and distribute funds that are allocated by the Board. The Committee shall include the vice president, who will serve as chairperson, a finance/budget committee representative and two other board members.

    2. The Committee will meet promptly upon receipt of the applications.

    3. All information provided by the applicant will be kept strictly confidential, unless otherwise required by law.

    4. The names of the applicants will remain anonymous to the Committee.

    5. Evaluation and review criteria shall include, but may not be limited to:

      1. Family’s gross income

      2. Family size (minor and adult dependents)

      3. Family expenses

      4. Family’s other income

      5. Family’s assets and liabilities

      6. Family’s participation in the Center’s fundraising activities

      7. Amount of money available

      8. Total number of applicants

      9. Relative need among applicants

10. Projected or current enrollment level (i.e. number of days the child is enrolled at the center)

11. Any state assistance received.

    1. The Committee may request that the applicant supply additional information. Any requests for additional information from the applicant can be submitted to the Committee by mail, email, or may be hand delivered to any serving board member.

    2. In the event that the tuition assistance funds (i.e. Board fundraising profits and recycling funds) are lower than projected, it may be necessary to adjust downward some or all awards. If this occurs, the Board will notify the Center Director and the recipient(s) affected as soon as possible. If the Board is unable to reach the recipient(s) directly, they may solicit help from the Center Director to assist with contacting the recipient(s).


    1. Applicants and/or recipients are required to notify the Board of any changes in income. Unreported changes in income will disqualify applicant’s/recipient’s family from the Program for six months.

    2. The Program may be reduced or terminated for any of the following reasons:

      1. Projected funds for the Program do not materialize.

      2. Dismissal of the child from the Center for any reason.

      3. Receiving state assistance.

Please send an email to if you have any additional questions.